Holiday Creative Writing Inspiration Six

Books on a bookshelfAre you a big reader? Reading other people’s books can be fantastic inspiration for your own writing. The next time you’re in a library, or even just sorting through your own bookshelf, you might like to try some of the ideas below:

  • Find a book you haven’t read before, or a book you haven’t read for a long time and don’t remember well. Copy down the first sentence without reading (or re-reading) the rest of the book. Use this as the first line of your own story. When you’re finished, go back and change that first sentence to something new, so the story becomes all your own work.
  • Write a story based on one of your favourite books. What happens after the book finishes? What do the characters do next? Are there smaller characters in the book who could have their own story?
  • Try writing a review for one of your favourite books. If you take part in the Wellington City Libraries Kids Club Review, you can even win prizes for the reviews you write!

Happy Writing!

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