“What’s Under The Bed?” Ten and Up Shortlist

Well, it’s been a very busy time reading all of your fantastic entries, but a very enjoyable one too. Some of the stories had me laughing out loud, and others had me scared to read the end – brilliant on both accounts! I was very impressed with the creativity from everyone in both categories.

Thank you to those of you in the Ten and Up age category for your patience. There were so many great entries, I had to go back and read some of them several times to make a final decision. But the decision has been made and without further ado, here is the Ten and Up shortlist.

Ten and Up Shortlist

(in alphabetical order)

Claire Bennett (untitled story) 
Eva Stockman – Being Imaginary Isn’t Easy 
Gabrielle Denyer – 1915 
Larni Komene – The Old Grannies 
Mia Oliver – Under the Bed 
Miranda from Mount Maunganui Intermediate (untitled story) 
Nathan Appleton (untitled story) 
Sarah Tan – That Dirty Underside 
Stevie Loveridge – Nebular 
Tasman Struthers – The Thing from Under My bed 
Zara Beck – There Are Humans Under My Bed

Ten and Up Winner

And the winner is… Claire Bennett! Claire’s prize will be posted out to be awarded at her school. Congratulations Claire!

You can read her beautiful story in the next post.

Nine and Under Competition

If you missed the announcement, the winner of the Nine and Under category was Bill Kelly. You can find Bill’s very clever story on the Brain Bunny Blog, along with the list of names on the Nine and Under shortlist.

Thanks again for entering, everyone!
Helen Vivienne Fletcher